Interreligious Association for Peace and Development

Gathering all Religious leaders together to deal with community-based concerns and play a significant role in reconciliation and building a culture of peace

We facilitate cooperation among religions for peace-building.

Religions play a vital role in creating a peaceful world where all people coexist in harmony and cooperation as one family under God.

We affirm the unique and essential role that religions are called to play is bringing about a world of lasting peace, a world in which people of all nationalities, ethnicities, races, cultures, and worldviews live together in mutual respect, harmony and cooperation, as one family under God.

Interreligious Association for Peace and Development

”If we can all look at the positive things in each other rather than the negative, we can draw strength from each other, and the world can be a better place.”

Imboni Dr. uZwi-Lezwe Radebe

Core values

For the Firm Establishment of a Heavenly Unified World


Mutual respect, cooperation and recognition of our common humanity

Mutual prosperity

Reduction of extreme poverty and commitment to human flourishing

Universal values

The faith-based common ground that we share across boundaries of nationality, religion, culture and race

Join Us

IAPD membership is open to faith-based organizations or religious leaders who support its principles of peace without discrimination. To be admitted, the applicant must share and support IAPD's objectives and be willing to help achieve its goals. Members are referred to as Ambassadors for Peace (AfP).

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