Introduction to IAPD

IAPD was founded on November 13, 2017 in South Korea by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, known worldwide as the Mother of Peace and True Mother, on the foundation of ecumenical programs started in 1970s and 80s with her late husband, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon

Who we are

The Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD) is a global network of religious leaders joined together to promote interreligious dialogue and peace, that is, a unified world in which all religions coexist in harmony, cooperation and co-prosperity.
IAPD affirms the unique and essential role that religions are called to play in bringing about a world of lasting peace, a world in which people of all nationalities, ethnicities, races, cultures, and worldviews live together in mutual respect, harmony and cooperation, as one family under God.
The IAPD provides a mechanism for cooperative interfaith peace-building efforts among the different religions, all working together with mutual respect and a shared commitment to peace and development. The IAPD is guided by a vision of humanity as one global family under God, called to live in accordance with core, universal principles. As instructed by the teachings of the great religions, we derive our existence from a common origin, and we share a common purpose and destiny. That destiny is peace.

Our vision is to create “One Family Under God.”

Make Africa a peaceful and shiny continent where everyone and all religions coexist and live together in interdependence, co-prosperity and universally shared values.

Interreligious cooperation and dialogue

Strong, loving family life

Human development

Interfaith conflict prevention

Interfaith conflict resolution

Peace education

A culture of peace through education, sports, arts and service

Interreligious Council at the Africa Union as well as all regional institutions (ECOWAS, SADC,COMESA, CASCU, etc)

Programs and Activities

Interfaith Peace Initiatives

The IAPD will carry out interfaith peace initiatives within Africa, applying its methodology of reconciliation and service.

Human Development Programs

With a comprehensive vision of human development that includes the individual, the family, the community, the nation and the world, the Association will promote development with a focus on character education, marriage and family, service projects, education, and poverty alleviation

Leadership and Good Governance Programs

The IAPD will carry out a wide range of programs to promote effective, principled leadership and good governance within families, communities and faith-based institutions.

Support for an Interreligious Council at the African Union and regional institutions

Since 1999 an effort has been made to develop an interreligious council as an organ within the United Nations system, as a way to strengthen the United Nations and make it more effective in carrying out its mission. This is valid for all similar institutions, like the AU, SADC, ECOWAS, CASCU, COMESA, etc.

Interfaith Peace Blessing Programs

The IAPD will sponsor programs that establish and strengthen marriage and family as the foundation of peace, affirming those who marry across racial, religious, ethnic and national boundaries.

Bering Strait Peace Tunnel and International Peace Highway Project

The IAPD will, in partnership with others, support the plan to carry out the construction of a “peace tunnel” under the Bering Strait linking the landmasses of North America and Asia. Additionally, the IAPD will support the initiative to build an international peace highway linking the world together. One such highway network will leave the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa and arrive in Santiago, Chile, through the Bering Strait Tunnel. It will also connect East and West Africa.

Sports for Peace Programs

The IAPD will promote and sponsor sporting events and competitions that contribute to peace among the different faith traditions. For example, the Play Soccer Make Peace! (PSMP) project seeks to bring together warring factions in communities, between different religious or ethnic groups, etc.

Arts and Cultural Programs

The IAPD will promote and sponsor morally sound cultural programs and the arts as instruments of peace.


The IAPD will promote programs that bring together media professionals and journalists to explore ways to contribute to peace. The IAPD will advocate a responsible and moral media.

Business, Law, Banking, Finance, Trade and Economic Development

The Association will bring together professionals in fields related to business, law, banking, stock-trading, insurance, finance and trade to explore ways to improve human development and world peace.

Conflict-Prevention Missions

The IAPD will work proactively with volunteers to form task forces to work in areas where conflict is probable between religions as a result of rising tensions.

Conflict-Resolution Missions

The IAPD will train volunteers and task force members to serve in areas of active conflict, applying a wide range of programs and service projects that seek to end violence and conflict among religions.

Peace-Building Missions

The IAPD will work with volunteers and task force members to establish and secure the necessary foundations for durable peace in areas where an interreligious conflict has subsided or ceased.

Peace-Keeping Missions

The IAPD will support those who work in security and law enforcement for the protection of the family and the community and the nation.


The IAPD will provide educational programs for religious leaders and empower them in the ideals of God-centeredness and practices that contribute to peace and freedom

Service Programs

The IAPD will carry out and encourage interfaith service projects for peace, applying the principle of living for the sake of others.


The membership of IAPD is opened to any faith-based organization or religious leader who affirms its vision and principles of peace without discrimination. An applicant may only be admitted to IAPD if he or she shares and supports the objectives and principles of IAPD and is willing to help in the achievement of IAPD goals. All IAPD members are called “Ambassadors for Peace” (AfP).


1. Monthly e-newsletter

2. Better family life and improved leadership ability

3. Better faith leader

4. Participation in seminars and conferences both locally and internationally

5. Networking with other peacemakers both locally and internationally

6. Participation in interfaith peace-building, peace-keeping, conflict prevention and resolution missions both locally and internationally

7. Ambassador for Peace Certificate

8. Contribute to the building of a God-centered Africa of interdependence, mutual prosperity, and universally shared values

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